Continuing education and social milieus in Germany

Weiterbildung und soziale Milieus in Deutschland

Different social milieus have different ideas about and demands on continuing education offerings. This 2008 volume documents what it means to integrate the milieu-specific perspective into continuing education offerings. It is based on the experiences of 26 pilot projects supervised by adult educators at the universities of Duesseldorf and Munich to develop, introduce and establish milieu-specific offering. The focus is on the following questions from continuing education practice:

  • How can the local social structure be translated into the milieu model? (Milieu segment allocation)
  • How can appropriate marketing objectives be defined? (Innovation focus)
  • How can program planners learn the milieu-typical language of the target group? (Text workshop)
  • How can you test whether an offering actually resonates with an intended target group? (Product clinic)

The volume is the 3rd part of the series “Weiterbildung und soziale Milieus in Deutschland” (“Continuing education and social milieus in Germany”) and can be ordered here. Volume 1 “Praxishandbuch Milieumarketing” (“Practical Guide to Milieu Marketing”) from 2004 is available for download here, Volume 2 “Adressaten- und Milieuforschung zu Weiterbildungsverhalten und -interessen” (“Addressee and Milieu Research on Continuing Education Behavior and Interests”) from 2004 can be ordered here.

The editor of the volumes is Prof. Dr. Heiner Barz. He is on the Scientific Advisory Board of SINUS.


Overview SINUS studies


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