Deep dive into digital lifeworlds
The digital transformation has rapidly changed practically all areas of life. It has revolutionised not only products, services, and communication channels, but also people's attitudes and logics of action. And we are still in the midst of it ...
In 2012, SINUS conducted the first social scientific baseline study on digital lifeworlds. The study did not focus on the basic “who – where – how often” questions of internet use and online behaviour, but rather on which motives, concerns, desires, and requirements are relevant to internet users and non-users – in short, on how people “tick” regarding digitalisation in everyday life.
Since then, we have undertaken numerous deep dives into people’s digital lifeworlds. We have identified groups with distinct attitudes and behaviours: for instance, so-called “Net Enthusiasts” and “Efficiency-Oriented Multi-Screeners”. Working with such a target group model helps public and private clients to better understand and address online lifeworlds.
Our expertise in digital readiness