Media Center Archive

With our research and consulting for companies and public clients, SINUS has been close to society and all its relevant topics for more than 40 years.

In our Media Center Archive, you can find a comprehensive insight into our work . Just take a look around - we are sure you will find something exciting.

All publications in our Media Center (in German and English)

Press releases

Auftakt des europäischen Live Music Census: Momentaufnahme der lokalen Live-Musikszene

Am 11. Oktober 2024 wird der erste europäische Live Music Census in fünf europäischen Großstädten durchgeführt. Das EU-geförderte Projekt zielt darauf ab, mit Befragungen den Zustand der europäischen Live-Musikszene in Vilnius, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Helsinki und Lviv zu erfassen und somit Kommunen, Politik und Eventwirtschaft über die Verfassung und Bedarfe der Live-Musikszene zu informieren.

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SINUS studies

Shaping the social-ecological transformation

On behalf of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, SINUS-Institut surveyed over 22,000 citizens in 19 countries (in Europe and North America) to find out which perceptions, interests and fears are associated with the socio-ecological transformation, and used the international Sinus-Meta-Milieus to identify which social milieus are (particularly) receptive to climate policy measures or have a critical, cautious or negative attitude towards them.

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