Only those
who understand what moves people
can also move them

This is our commitment and our experience from more than 40 years of lifeworld research.

With ethnological curiosity, empathy, respect and scientific reliability, we research the everyday reality of people, socio-cultural change and its consequences for companies and institutions.

What does SINUS do?

SINUS examines people’s motives and mindsets

SINUS develops and describes tailored target groups

SINUS analyses socio-cultural change and identifies trends

SINUS identifies target groups that determine the trends of the future

SINUS translates research results into strategic consulting

SINUS is broadly networked in business and science

Facts instead of myths

Most migrants live on Hartz IV benefits

On average, Germans assume that 34 % of migrants in Germany receive Hartz IV benefits (source: SINUS Eigenforschung 2020). In fact, only about 7 % do (source: Federal Statistical Office 2018).

Germans are an unhappy people

Not quite true: 66 % of all Germans describe themselves as happy. 49 % expect to be just as happy or unhappy in five years as they are today (source: SINUS / YouGov 2020).

Solarium tan protects against sunburn

False. Pre-tanning in a solarium does not protect the skin from the summer sun. Just under one in five Germans (18 %) nevertheless adhere to this misconception (source: SINUS / YouGov 2019).

We have developed the Sinus-Meta-Milieus for almost 50 countries – proven many times over in the global market strategy planning of large companies.

Norbert Schäuble (Shareholder)

Hi, I’m Milo – leader
of our Berlin pack.

Office Dog Milo

I’ve been a fan of our partner OPINION for a long time, because they’re best-in-class in research & consulting around the product lifecycle. So I’m very happy that they are now part of our group of companies.

Manfred Tautscher (Managing Director)

After my psychology degree, I actually wanted to become a behavioral therapist, but then, 40 years ago, I helped develop the Sinus-Milieus – and everything turned out differently.

Bodo Flaig (Shareholder)


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