Sinus-Milieus® Germany

Developed in the early 1980s, and continuously adapted to social changes ever since, the milieu model for Germany is the classic tool for societal analysis.

Social Status Upper class / Upper middle-class Middle middle-class Lower middle-class /Lower class Tradition Sense of Duty, Order Individualisation,Self-actualisation, Pleasure Multiple Options,New syntheses Modernisation Re-orientation Basic Values PerformerMilieu10% ExpeditiveMilieu10% Consumer-HedonisticMilieu8% Precarious Milieu9% ConservativeUpscale Milieu11% TraditionalMilieu9% Adaptive-PragmaticMiddle ClassMilieu12% Post-MaterialistMilieu12% Neo-EcologicalMilieu8% NostalgicMiddle ClassMilieu11%

Conservative Upscale Milieu

The older, structurally conservative elite: classical ethics of responsibility and success, as well as claims to exclusivity and status; desire for order and balance; self-image as a stable rock amidst the tide of postmodern arbitrariness; erosion of social leadership role.

Post-Materialist Milieu

The sovereign educated elite with post-material roots: self-determination and self-development, as well as orientation towards the common good; advocates of sustainability, inclusion, and diversity; self-image as rational and humanistic.

Performer Milieu

The efficiency- and progress-oriented technocratic elite: global economic thinking; liberal social perspective based on personal freedom and responsibility; self-image as lifestyle and consumption trendsetters; high affinity for all things tech and digital.

Expeditive Milieu

The ambitious creative bohemians: urban, hip, digital, cosmopolitan, and networked; in search of new frontiers and unconventional experiences, solutions, and successes; skilled at self-expression and self-branding; self-image as postmodern movers and shakers.

Neo-Ecological Milieu

The drivers of global social change: optimism and an upbeat mentality combined with a pronounced awareness of planetary challenges; open to new value syntheses (disruption and pragmatism, success and sustainability, party and protest); self-image as progressive realists; environmentally aware and climate-conscious lifestyle.

Adaptive-Pragmatic Middle Class Milieu

The modern mainstream: willingness to adapt and perform; utilitarian thinking, but also a desire for fun and entertainment; strong need for anchoring and belonging; some dissatisfaction and uncertainty regarding current social developments; self-image as flexible pragmatists.

Consumer-Hedonistic Milieu

The consumption- and entertainment-focused lower middle class: fun in the here and now; self-image as cool lifestyle mainstream; strong need for recognition; balance of professional adaptation vs. hedonistic escapism; sometimes annoyed by the dictates of sustainability and political correctness.

Precarious Milieu

The lower class striving for orientation and participation: trying to keep up with the standard of living of the broad “middle class”, but burdened by social disadvantages and exclusions; feeling of being left behind; bitterness and resentment; self-image as a hard worker and hardy fighter.

Nostalgic Middle Class Milieu

The harmony-oriented middle- and working-class centre of society: desire for secure circumstances and an appropriate status; self-image as the social middle-field, but growing sense of alienation and unwillingness to compromise; perceived loss of learned rules and certainties; longing for the “good old days”.

Traditional Milieu

The security- and order-loving older generation: entrenched in traditional petit-bourgeois and/or working-class culture; undemanding adaptation to necessities; increasing acceptance of the new sustainability norm; self-image as the upstanding and respectable “salt of the earth”.

Tip: Click on a Sinus-Milieu for a brief description

Sinus-Milieus Short description
Leading Milieus
Conservative Upscale Milieu

The older, structurally conservative elite: classical ethics of responsibility and success, as well as claims to exclusivity and status; desire for order and balance; self-image as a stable rock amidst the tide of postmodern arbitrariness; erosion of social leadership role.

Post-Materialist Milieu

The sovereign educated elite with post-material roots: self-determination and self-development, as well as orientation towards the common good; advocates of sustainability, inclusion, and diversity; self-image as rational and humanistic.

Performer Milieu

The efficiency- and progress-oriented technocratic elite: global economic thinking; liberal social perspective based on personal freedom and responsibility; self-image as lifestyle and consumption trendsetters; high affinity for all things tech and digital.

Future Milieus
Expeditive Milieu

The ambitious creative bohemians: urban, hip, digital, cosmopolitan, and networked; in search of new frontiers and unconventional experiences, solutions, and successes; skilled at self-expression and self-branding; self-image as postmodern movers and shakers.

Neo-Ecological Milieu

The drivers of global social change: optimism and an upbeat mentality combined with a pronounced awareness of planetary challenges; open to new value syntheses (disruption and pragmatism, success and sustainability, party and protest); self-image as progressive realists; environmentally aware and climate-conscious lifestyle.

Modern Mainstream
Adaptive-Pragmatic Middle Class Milieu

The modern mainstream: willingness to adapt and perform; utilitarian thinking, but also a desire for fun and entertainment; strong need for anchoring and belonging; some dissatisfaction and uncertainty regarding current social developments; self-image as flexible pragmatists.

Consumer-Hedonistic Milieu

The consumption- and entertainment-focused lower middle class: fun in the here and now; self-image as cool lifestyle mainstream; strong need for recognition; balance of professional adaptation vs. hedonistic escapism; sometimes annoyed by the dictates of sustainability and political correctness.

Precarious Milieu

The lower class striving for orientation and participation: trying to keep up with the standard of living of the broad “middle class”, but burdened by social disadvantages and exclusions; feeling of being left behind; bitterness and resentment; self-image as a hard worker and hardy fighter.

Traditional Mainstream
Nostalgic Middle Class Milieu

The harmony-oriented middle- and working-class centre of society: desire for secure circumstances and an appropriate status; self-image as the social middle-field, but growing sense of alienation and unwillingness to compromise; perceived loss of learned rules and certainties; longing for the “good old days”.

Traditional Milieu

The security- and order-loving older generation: entrenched in traditional petit-bourgeois and/or working-class culture; undemanding adaptation to necessities; increasing acceptance of the new sustainability norm; self-image as the upstanding and respectable “salt of the earth”.

Sinus-Milieus® simply explained (with English subtitles)

This explanatory video shows how the Sinus-Milieus work (incl. examples) and what they can be used for (marketing, strategic target groups, personas / individuals, products, brands and ideas, touchpoints, topics, addressing, growth potentials).

To the video

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