TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen
Sinus-Milieu Information Packages Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Here we present a selection of our projects, covering the different research areas of the institute – from classic segmentation studies to microgeographic analyses and sociopolitical studies. In our Media Center you will find further SINUS projects.
Sinus-Milieu Information Packages Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Target group optimisation with limited guest capacity in the tourism industry
TVC optimization
Sinus-Milieu Information Packages Germany and Switzerland
Development of a cross-border target group model in the tourism sector
Fundraising strategy for the “Wertvolle Zukunft” (“Precious Future”) initiative
Adult education – faith courses
Church marketing – milieu-sensitive public relations
Milieu-sensitive church services – 4 different forms of church service at regular intervals
Milieu-sensitive addressing of the members of the Protestant Church
Target group segmentation for the “youngcaritas” project
Paid content – introduction of paid content in online newspapers
Media consumption in Luxembourg – preferences of different milieus regarding topics and platforms
Developing the TV show “Task Force Berlin” for ProSieben
A target group study and persona development for various media brands and service offerings in the distribution area
Beating content saturation through targeted narrative
Sinus-Milieu Information Packages Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Development of a cross-border target group model in the tourism sector
A target group study and persona development for various media brands and service offerings in the distribution area
Linking existing target group models with the Sinus-Meta-Milieus in 8 countries
Creation of image clips to increase awareness of further education offerings
Optimized marketing for a university and its training programs in order to reach its target groups