Sinus-Milieus® International

Our research shows that “groups of like-minded people” also exist across national borders. We call them “Meta Milieus” – and distinguish between models for established and emerging markets.

You can find a detailed description of our international model in our free information brochure on the meta-milieus.

We identify target groups worldwide
and across national borders

Common patterns can be identified in almost all countries of the world: value orientations, lifestyles and consumer preferences. And most of the time we see that people from different countries, but in comparable milieus, connect more with each other than with the rest of their compatriots.

The Sinus Meta Milieus are now available for more than 50 countries. They can be used in the EU, and in the APAC, LATAM and NAFTA economic areas. They can be developed for other countries at any time.

The Sinus-Meta-Milieus can be used for international brand positioning without ignoring local differences. They can be integrated into existing segmentations, resulting in a tailored client-specific solution, as well as being the basis for numerous research methods as a stand-alone target group model. Are you already planning a survey or conducting regular trackings? With the Sinus-Milieu-Boost we can also enrich your international quantitative data.

What are use cases for the international Sinus-Meta-Milieus model?

  • International ad hoc studies, e.g. usage & attitudes, image studies, trend studies, etc.
  • Enhancing planned studies, e.g. brand tracking, advertising research, etc. (Sinus-Milieu-Boost)
  • Persona development: description of international target groups, qualitative and quantitative specification
  • Workshops, e.g. consumer-centric understanding, trends, target groups, etc.
  • Data integration: available in international market media studies (e.g. TGI, household panels), spatial analysis in microgeography
  • Prepared reports, e.g. cross-country Global Reports for Established and Emerging Markets as well as country-specific Country Booklets

Established Markets

Social Status Higher Middle Lower Basic Values Traditional Sense of Duty and Order Individualisation, Self-actualisation, Pleasure Multiple Options, Experimentation, Paradoxes Modernisation Re-orientation Consumer-Materialists Traditionals ConventionalMainstream Sensation-Oriented AdaptiveNavigators Progressive Realists CosmopolitanAvantgarde Performers Intellectuals Established


Status-driven conservative elite: High self-confidence; classic responsibility and performance ethics; exclusivity and status claims; acceptance of social order


Academic elite with post-material roots: High affinity for indulgence, sensuality, art & culture; critical of globalization; advocating for justice & public welfare; taking responsibility for oneself and others; affinity for (continuing) education and embracing quality of life


Efficiency- and progress-oriented modern elite: Global economic and liberal thinking; affinity for “best in class” consumption, modern design, early adopting; interest in technology & digital; competitive and career-oriented, networker; open to change, new things

Cosmopolitan Avantgarde

Ambitious & individualistic avant-garde: Cosmopolitan, urban, mobile & flexible; digital nomads, life-style vanguards; pronounced self-expression; postmodern lifestyle elite, anti-mainstream, desire to stand out; joie de vivre, ambitious and success-oriented

Progressive Realists

Drivers of social transformation: Sustainable lifestyle without ideology of renunciation; driving the global social transformation; progressive, optimistic; taking responsibility for society; ease of dealing with contradictions, party & protest, seriousness & entertainment

Adaptive Navigators

Adapting modern mainstream: Flexible pragmatists; young modern middle class; high willingness to adapt and perform; modern lifestyle, digital affinity; reliable & loyal, open to new – but tested and verified - things


Materialistic- and entertainment-focused (lower) middle class: Hedonistic approach, with focus on today; conspicuous consumption; adjustment if necessary, breakout if possible; unconcerned, open to risks; anti-bourgeois yet materialistic life-style, rejection of political correctness and conventions; looking for fun, action, entertainment, stimulation

Conventional Mainstream

Harmony-seeking older middle-class: Middle class under financial and ideological pressure; desire for secure circumstances, fear of losing well-deserved achievements; search for community, cohesion, social life, neighborly support – down to earth; distrust towards the primacy of the elites – feeling of being left out in favor of others


Order-seeking older generation: Petty bourgeois world, traditional working-class culture; desire for social security, harmony, consistency; (voluntarily) disconnection from modern lifestyle and digital culture; desire for simple, safe, down-to-earth lifestyle

Consumer Materialists

Lower class striving for orientation and participation: Precarious living conditions; undemanding adaptation to necessities; desire for consumption standard of the middle class; defiant cohesion within their own community; fear of speed of change, being left behind

Tip: Click on a Sinus-Milieu for a brief description

Sinus-Milieus Short description

Status-driven conservative elite: High self-confidence; classic responsibility and performance ethics; exclusivity and status claims; acceptance of social order


Academic elite with post-material roots: High affinity for indulgence, sensuality, art & culture; critical of globalization; advocating for justice & public welfare; taking responsibility for oneself and others; affinity for (continuing) education and embracing quality of life


Efficiency- and progress-oriented modern elite: Global economic and liberal thinking; affinity for “best in class” consumption, modern design, early adopting; interest in technology & digital; competitive and career-oriented, networker; open to change, new things

Cosmopolitan Avantgarde

Ambitious & individualistic avant-garde: Cosmopolitan, urban, mobile & flexible; digital nomads, life-style vanguards; pronounced self-expression; postmodern lifestyle elite, anti-mainstream, desire to stand out; joie de vivre, ambitious and success-oriented

Progressive Realists

Drivers of social transformation: Sustainable lifestyle without ideology of renunciation; driving the global social transformation; progressive, optimistic; taking responsibility for society; ease of dealing with contradictions, party & protest, seriousness & entertainment

Adaptive Navigators

Adapting modern mainstream: Flexible pragmatists; young modern middle class; high willingness to adapt and perform; modern lifestyle, digital affinity; reliable & loyal, open to new – but tested and verified - things


Materialistic- and entertainment-focused (lower) middle class: Hedonistic approach, with focus on today; conspicuous consumption; adjustment if necessary, breakout if possible; unconcerned, open to risks; anti-bourgeois yet materialistic life-style, rejection of political correctness and conventions; looking for fun, action, entertainment, stimulation

Conventional Mainstream

Harmony-seeking older middle-class: Middle class under financial and ideological pressure; desire for secure circumstances, fear of losing well-deserved achievements; search for community, cohesion, social life, neighborly support – down to earth; distrust towards the primacy of the elites – feeling of being left out in favor of others


Order-seeking older generation: Petty bourgeois world, traditional working-class culture; desire for social security, harmony, consistency; (voluntarily) disconnection from modern lifestyle and digital culture; desire for simple, safe, down-to-earth lifestyle

Consumer Materialists

Lower class striving for orientation and participation: Precarious living conditions; undemanding adaptation to necessities; desire for consumption standard of the middle class; defiant cohesion within their own community; fear of speed of change, being left behind

Emerging Markets

Social Status Higher Middle Lower Basic Values Traditional „to belong“ rules, norms, authority „to advance“quality of life „to indulge“self-centered Adaptation Modernity UrbanWorking Class TraditionalRural AdaptingMainstream Sensation-Oriented Success-Oriented CosmopolitanAvantgarde ModernPerforming ModernEstablished ConservativeEstablished

Conservative Established

Heirs of authority and order: Patriarchic, claim of power, status and leadership, family- and clan-thinking; sense of duty and order; social prestige, ethics of responsibility; religion and tradition

Modern Established

Cultivated connoisseurs: Sophistication, status orientation, strategic life-planning; indulgence & work-life-balance, education & qualification; liberal & tolerant, social & ecological responsibility; leadership with a sense of purpose

Modern Performing

Competitive modern elite: Economic elite, entrepreneurship, performance & efficiency, self-determination; semi-global thinking; superiority & distinction, willingness to perform; achievers, networkers and risk-takers; best-in-class mindset

Cosmopolitan Avantgarde

Individualistic digital mavericks: Young & wealthy, digital, global, mobile socializers; global-western attitude; creative & individualistic, self-realization; freedom & independence; entrepreneurial spirit


Pragmatic social climbers: Willingness to perform, social climber mentality, flexibility- and security-driven; balance of work and family/friends; sense of tradition and order; pragmatic and ambitious


Thrill-seeking trend-followers: Spontaneity, fun, thrills & action; trend adoption and imitation of Western lifestyles; carefreeness, independence; try to keep up with trends & brands; conflict with traditional values and religion; materialism; flexible and mobile

Adapting Mainstream

Adapted harmony-seekers: Conservative-materialistic, status-oriented, order and harmony; balance of secular and religious life; social rules & moralities; feel pressure to keep up; next-generation thinking; search for community, cohesion, neighborly support

Traditional Rural

Enrooted traditionalists: Strong community and family ties; religion and belief (spirituality); ritualized everyday life; obedience and modesty; afraid of losing traditions, rules and values

Urban Working Class

Working class without prospects: Socially deprived, uprooted, fear & resentments; overcharged by modernization, striving for basic needs; short-term consumer orientation, materialism; solidarity within own network; seek entertainment for distractions

Tip: Click on a Sinus-Milieu for a brief description

Sinus-Milieus Short description
Conservative Established

Heirs of authority and order: Patriarchic, claim of power, status and leadership, family- and clan-thinking; sense of duty and order; social prestige, ethics of responsibility; religion and tradition

Modern Established

Cultivated connoisseurs: Sophistication, status orientation, strategic life-planning; indulgence & work-life-balance, education & qualification; liberal & tolerant, social & ecological responsibility; leadership with a sense of purpose

Modern Performing

Competitive modern elite: Economic elite, entrepreneurship, performance & efficiency, self-determination; semi-global thinking; superiority & distinction, willingness to perform; achievers, networkers and risk-takers; best-in-class mindset

Cosmopolitan Avantgarde

Individualistic digital mavericks: Young & wealthy, digital, global, mobile socializers; global-western attitude; creative & individualistic, self-realization; freedom & independence; entrepreneurial spirit


Pragmatic social climbers: Willingness to perform, social climber mentality, flexibility- and security-driven; balance of work and family/friends; sense of tradition and order; pragmatic and ambitious


Thrill-seeking trend-followers: Spontaneity, fun, thrills & action; trend adoption and imitation of Western lifestyles; carefreeness, independence; try to keep up with trends & brands; conflict with traditional values and religion; materialism; flexible and mobile

Adapting Mainstream

Adapted harmony-seekers: Conservative-materialistic, status-oriented, order and harmony; balance of secular and religious life; social rules & moralities; feel pressure to keep up; next-generation thinking; search for community, cohesion, neighborly support

Traditional Rural

Enrooted traditionalists: Strong community and family ties; religion and belief (spirituality); ritualized everyday life; obedience and modesty; afraid of losing traditions, rules and values

Urban Working Class

Working class without prospects: Socially deprived, uprooted, fear & resentments; overcharged by modernization, striving for basic needs; short-term consumer orientation, materialism; solidarity within own network; seek entertainment for distractions

Country lists

Established Markets

  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • Finland
  • France
  • Greece
  • Hong Kong
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Canada
  • Croatia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Austria
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Serbia
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Czech Republic
  • Turkey
  • Hungary
  • USA
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom

Emerging Markets

  • Brazil
  • China
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Columbia
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Philippines
  • Russia
  • South Africa
  • Thailand
  • Ukraine
  • Vietnam

For each economic sphere (established markets and emerging markets) there is an independent model with ten resp. nine milieus each. These describe the lives of consumers holistically and transnationally, without ignoring local specificities.

Such cross-national target group models are essential in the context of globalized markets. After all, international target group research cannot be about blindly transferring insights gained in one country to other countries. The aim of SINUS international milieu research is to provide globally active companies with information about current target groups and the dynamics of social change, thus providing a basis for strategic marketing decisions. The ten resp. nine Sinus-Meta-Milieus are modelled country-specifically, with the premise of being as uniform as possible as an international target group instrument, but also as country-specific as necessary.

We have prepared target group data on hand for more than 50 countries

You can find more detailed information on the Meta-Milieus in our information packages for established and emerging markets. These cross-national information packages can be supplemented with country-specific information booklets, currently available for over 50 countries.

We can develop models for other countries at any time. Our rigorously validated instruments can be used in any country – ad hoc and with manageable research effort.

Sinus-Milieus® simply explained (with English subtitles)

This explanatory video shows how the Sinus-Milieus work (incl. examples) and what they can be used for (marketing, strategic target groups, personas / individuals, products, brands and ideas, touchpoints, topics, addressing, growth potentials).

To the video

Have SINUS-Institut train you up to become an officially certified milieu expert

SINUS-Institut offers a compact, cross-industry basic seminar on the Sinus-Milieus – the gold standard for target group segmentation for 40 years.

Sinus-Milieu certification


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