How do young people tick? (2020)
Lifeworlds of adolescents aged 14 to 17 in Germany
Publications on our studies appear regularly. This illustrates the high social relevance of SINUS research.
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Lifeworlds of adolescents aged 14 to 17 in Germany
The information brochure explains what the meta-milieus are and shows how to work with this target group model.
On behalf of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, SINUS-Institut surveyed over 22,000 citizens in 19 countries (in Europe and North America) to find out which perceptions, interests and fears are associated with the socio-ecological transformation, and used the international Sinus-Meta-Milieus to identify which social milieus are (particularly) receptive to climate policy measures or have a critical, cautious or negative attitude towards them.
Analyse von Bertelsmann Stiftung und SINUS-Institut: Die Sinus-Milieus zeigen, warum die "Mitte der Gesellschaft" an Zuversicht verliert - und was die Ampelparteien und CDU/CSU jetzt tun sollten, um die Mitte nicht zu verlieren.
What added value does the combination of the target group typologies Sinus-Milieus and BeST Types provide?
The paper is a "how-to" for good online moderation of focus groups. It is a practical guide for market and social researchers with hints and tips for planning online focus groups, moderation as well as technical and ethical issues arising from the online setting.
On behalf of the Deutsche Bundesbank, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik, in collaboration with SINUS-Institut, conducted a study to identify three different scenarios for paying with cash in the future.
Representative study with Sinus-Milieus for vhw - Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e.V. on the topics of housing, participation, urban change and digitalization.
SINUS has been tracking the bicycle market for the BMVI since 2009 – nationwide and regionally
Youth study for BARMER on future optimism and life satisfaction, cyberbullying, climate change & health and artificial intelligence - including time comparison with 2022 and 2021 studies
Representative study for GDV - German Insurance Association on attitudes, decision factors and information behavior with regard to old-age provision.
Überarbeitetes Grundlagenwerk zu Gegenwart und Zukunft eines modernen Gesellschafts- und Zielgruppenmodells (2. Auflage 2023)
The in-depth report compares the existing and new monitoring instruments of the national biodiversity strategy.
For Allianz Foundation, SINUS-Institut investigated in five European countries how the young generation envisions a future society and what they are doing to shape this future.
In various articles of the German-speaking journal "Psychosocial and Medical Rehabilitation", a first light is shed on the possible applications, chances and limitations of the Sinus-Milieu approach in psychotherapeutic medicine.
Qualitative Studie für UNICEF Deutschland und Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte zur Situation geflüchteter Kinder und Jugendlicher in Deutschland
An international team of researchers used survey data with Sinus Milieus to examine homeowners' intentions to install photovoltaic systems.
On behalf of WWF, the company Hall & Partners collected survey data on awareness of biodiversity in nine non-European countries. SINUS-Institut calculated an indicator and analyzed the results by socio-demographic characteristics.