
Case Study:

Marketing lifeworlds – segmentation of lifeworlds


  • Designing residential areas, houses, flats to suit the people who want to live there


  • With the help of Milieu data and industry know-how, requirement profiles were created for each Sinus-Milieu with regard to infrastructure, location, construction, amenities, and much more for the purpose of planning residential areas 


  • 10 residential Milieus that give architects, developers and investors a good picture of how and with what measures they can reach their target groups (tenants + buyers). Example: the Prima Colonia residential concept in Cologne

What the client says

The ten residential Milieus enable a more forward-looking and qualitative approach to the marketing of modern residential areas. Their strength lies in their vividness, i.e. ’Tell me who you are and I’ll show you your home!’
Frank Kirsch, wahrZeichen Owner and Managing Director


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