Youth Lifeworlds

SINUS-Institut’s Youth Studies are now among the standard works for youth research, forming an important basis for work with young people. The 2012 “Jugendliche Lebenswelten” (“Youth Lifeworlds”) is a collection of essays by renowned researchers and practitioners who examine the consequences of SINUS youth research for their own fields of work. Topics addressed include young people’s interest in self-promotion and youth cultures, or their enthusiasm for fashion and electronics brands. These are often discussed in a problem-oriented way, whereas the authors in this book see them as a central facet of identity. They discuss how civic education can avoid excluding “disadvantaged youth.” Another chapter is devoted to timeless concepts such as meaning, happiness, and success, and their different horizons of meaning in different lifeworlds. The editors of the volume conclude with the desirable and necessary implications for politics, pedagogy and society.
“An encouraging book which for once does not focus on deficits but shows how many resources the young generation in Germany actually has.”
Prof. Dr. Klaus Hurrelmann