
Persona development with SINUS: archetypes instead of stereotypes

Personas are fictional but very realistic designs of characters that represent typical audience representatives – with a concrete face, a memorable name, a living story and an individual emotional world. The development of personas helps to align strategic decisions closely with the needs, experiences, behaviors, and esthetic and communicative preferences of the customers.

For us, personas are more than just linking data points. Personas should be „easy to love“ so that users literally jump on them, triggering creative impulses and making the target-group work and product development more interesting and entertaining. 

We bring your personas to life – individually without a plug-&-play template

It’s not only the content but also the visual preparation that’s essential for working successfully with personas. For us, there’s no standard procedure for this. You tell us how you want to communicate the personas – we take care of the rest. From well-designed PowerPoint charts to postcard sets, from cardboard displays and print brochures to video clips with real persona representatives and (partially) animated explanatory films, there’s hardly a format we haven’t yet produced.

Explanatory film on target groups / personas (in German):


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From workshops to empirical studies, many paths lead to personas 

How do you arrive at personas? We see the development of personas fundamentally as a co-creation process with our customers. It doesn’t always take an elaborate research program to develop personas (although that is our special expertise). Personas can also be developed (initially) in workshops – for example on the basis of our extensive milieu knowledge. We’ll be happy to advise you on target-oriented approaches, taking into account strategic, budgetary and time constraints.

We help bring personas closer to users and make them recognizable in real life

Let’s be honest. Personas aren’t always (immediately) ’everybody’s darling’. However, the appetite for working with them increases when their story/stories are told in a lively manner, with a practical explanation of the relevance for application and implementation. That's why transfer workshops are an important part of our persona development process. In cooperation with our field partners, we also help find personas in real life via screening instruments (e.g. for surveys or R&D formats).


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